Therapy Sessions
Individual, couples, and family therapy.
By appointment: [email protected]
Sandy Clay can come present for your group or at your event with sufficient advance notification. Call 713 464 8501 or email [email protected] with you specific needs and dates and we will identify availability.
CDs, booklets, and other products available below.
Products are provided for the convenience of clients and visitors to the website.
Many clients have asked over the years for ways to take home what they learn in counseling and thus a “A View that Heals” (a therapeutic tool chest) has resulted along with relaxation and hypnosis CDs and other therapeutic tools previously only available to my private clients.
While no guarantees can be made on any item’s effectiveness, because this depends on individual use and motivation, many of reported being surprised at the change in their behavior and thoughts in the direction they desired. Hypnosis is safe, effective and reliable and has been around for many years. Clients are advised to use hypnosis as well as those CD’s for relaxation in a comfortable, safe place and not while driving or in any situation in which they must remain highly alert.
Shipping costs will be added based on the items involved. You will now be able to order online with credit card on Paypal.

Christian Inner Healing
Relaxation and healing CD incorporating Christian visual imagery.
$12.00 + shipping

Hypnosis for Conscious Relating
A great way to reach the subconscious which sometimes blocks our best conscious efforts to relate in more loving and healthy ways to our partners, family, friends, and co-workers.
$15.00 + shipping

Hypnosis for Mood Stabilization and Confidence Building
This CD supports the healthy managing of emotions while building confidence in a most relaxing manner.
$15.00 + shipping

Hypnosis for Healthy Weight Management
This CD supports the healthy managing of thought and emotions related to body image and healthy eating.
$15.00 + shipping

Hypnosis for Relationship Imagery
This CD supports using the mind to dwell on positive images of the partner to increase empathic communication development.
$15.00 + shipping

Hypnosis Promoting Sleep
Hypnosis with theta level binaural beat, promoting sleep.
$15.00 + shipping

A View that Heals
A practical written guide to understanding how to use our thinking, and acting to impact feelings. Many of the tools clients learn in the office are included in this explanatory book previously only provided to private clients.
$20.00 + shipping

Creating Sacred Space
A pictorial and written guide to some of the helpful ways you can design a prayer/meditation area wherever you are…one of the most important and effective means clients have employed over the years in their personal healing.
$20.00 + shipping and Tax if in Tx

Photographic Nature prints from this site are available for order and soon will be listed by item number for your purchase ease.
” What we surround ourselves with and dwell on does affect us. “
All images on this website are protected and may not be used without permission.
You can design and find beauty in what is around you and research now supports the awareness that nature and the arts can play an integral role in aiding our healing and finding beauty within. So if you find an image that particularly inspires you from this website, please request via email and the simple process for ordering the image may be made available.